Prof. em. Human Rights Centre Ghent University, Legal Human Academy and member of the CoE MSI-SLP committee on Anti-SLAPP

Prof. dr. em. Dirk Voorhoof lectured European Media and Information Law at Ghent University and Copenhagen University, as well as at the University of Oxford, MLAP (Global Media Law Advocates Programme). He has been a guest professor at Luxembourg University in the master programme on Space, Telecommunications and Media Law since 2017.
Dirk reports on developments regarding freedom of expression, media, and journalism in Europe. He is co-founder and member of the ECPMF, Legal Human Academy, the Human Rights Centre at Ghent University, the CASE coalition. Previously a member of the Federal Commission for Access to Administrative Documents in Belgium, the Flemish Media Regulator (VRM), and the Committee of Experts on Internet Intermediaries (MSI-NET) of the Council of Europe (2016-2018), Dirk is currently member of the Expert Committee on SLAPPs (MSI-SLP, 2022-2023). He has been active in the JUFREX-pool of experts (Council of Europe/EU) since 2017 and a member of the Global FOE&I @Columbia experts’ network since 2014.
Dirk is the co-author of the free e-book Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. He regularly reports on the caselaw by the ECtHR on freedom of expression in the legal newsletter IRIS-online. In 2020, he published “Same standards, different tools? The ECtHR and the protection and limitations of freedom of expression in the digital environment” in Human Rights Challenges in the Digital Age: Judicial Perspectives by Michael O’Boyle. Currently, he is working on an inventory of SLAPP-cases in Belgium. His recent works on SLAPPs can be reached here, here, here, and here.
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